'The true Soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because He loves what is behind him.' -G. K. Chesterton

03 September 2011

Bathroom Remodel Part 4. Floor

We went ahead and installed the flooring in the hall at the same time as the bathroom. That means we have to be more careful painting but we were both sick and tired of walking on the ripped up surface.

This is the finished floor in the bathroom, leading to the hall.

Because we started in the bathroom I went straight out into the hall. That's the water heater on the right. I'll be building a closet around it a bit later.

From there it was forward toward the guest bedroom and the basement.

This is how the floor is installed. Those grey strips are the adhesive. They go under the corresponding side on the preceeding plank and are pressed together. There's a problem some of you may have spotted. When laying the floor it's usual to go from top to bottom, laying the following planks atop the ones previously laid. When we did this room we had to start in the bathroom because of the cutouts around the tub. That meant that I had to lay this section of floor backwards. It required lifting up the proceeding planks and laying the following ones under as you can see. It was a pain but the room was square so it went fairly quickly in spite of the colorful language.

That's the guest bedroom on the left and the stairs down to the Bat Cave where the bald man is standing looking confused.

The completed floor, including the Small Black Dog.
And the Large Black Dog.

This is looking toward the bathroom. You can see how well the floor flows. You can also see the new vanity.

From the guest bedroom, looking toward the living room. Later I'll be pulling that carpet up and continuing the same flooring all the way through the living room and into the kitchen. That water heater on the left will be enclosed in a closet.

This is from the bathroom, looking into the hall.

The bathroom is essentially done. I still need to do some baseboards and trim but that will have to wait until we get the hall painted. Hall paint sometime this week. I'll do a compare and contrast post as soon as everything is finally done.

Getting close. Of course I've been saying that for a couple of weeks now. If it's not one thing it's three others.


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