'The true Soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because He loves what is behind him.' -G. K. Chesterton

02 March 2010

Utah Blogger

I found a new site by a guy in Utah. For those who don't know, I went to high school in St. George, Utah where Lu and I met (Her family is among those who settled southern Utah).

The site is Three Rounds Brisk. http://threeroundsbrisk.blogspot.com/

He's a Marine, family man and working American who definitely has his head on straight. Go by and read the musings of another American Warrior.

We're in the process of moving back to Utah so it's good to know men like TMJUTAH are out there. You know, just in case.



The DO said...

Uh, I'm not that mentioning that we voluntarily settled St. George really makes the case for our sanity:)-

Six said...

Hey, if sanity is a requirement around here we're all in a bit of trouble.