'The true Soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because He loves what is behind him.' -G. K. Chesterton

24 March 2010

Life Goes On

So. Life does indeed need to continue. Been working on my back fence. The neighbor let a tree and some nasty vines go nuts and it ruined 18 feet of my fence. Her response? "Pound sand".

So 300 bucks later, I have a new fence and my nasty neighbor has a pile of scrap to remove from her yard. Heh heh.

Lu and I went for a nice ride the other day. Nothing too strenuous. A nice double loop at one of our favorite places, old Ft. Ord. Only 17.4 miles but it was nice to get out and ride. I'm at 76 miles for the month. The last 2 days of fence mending hurt my monthly total but I should get my hundred in without too much trouble.

Getting ready for another trip to the Utah house. More crap to move and more work to do. Maybe another side trip to Gooseberry. I need to move about 300 pavers. Each weighs in at 21.5 pounds for a total something north of 3 tons, I'm thinking 2 trips. I have a nice little trailer rated at 7500 pounds so I could do it in theory but the thought of climbing the mountains at Tehachapi at 35 mph fails to excite me.

I'm staying away from the news for a while. At least until the initial bite of anger wears off. I'll be heading down to the local republican office as soon as I figure out where it is.

The house is ready for the Do and the grandkids visit next month. Spring has sprung (here at least). In the microcosm, life is good.



The DO said...

"...fails to excite me." Classic!

And I think the Republican office is across the street from where the Harley Dealership was. I think. Either that or it's on the east side of South Main just south of Old Town. So, there you go, I'm no help at all!

31 sleeps and counting:) The kids are already packing and I occasionally hear them saving something like, oh, half a sandwich to take to Grandma and Papa's!

Six said...

They're preparing for the coming zombie apocalypse. They make Papa so proud. Sniff.