'The true Soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because He loves what is behind him.' -G. K. Chesterton

11 March 2010

A New Site

Got another one for ya. Ed and Lagniappe's Dad and Brigid and some others have already discovered her but Laura, aka Troopers Gal, is new to me. Go visit her at http://troopersgal.blogspot.com/

I like her and not just because she reminds me so much of Lu. It's because she's smart, opinionated and so obviously devoted to her trooper Husband.

Welcome Laura.



Daphne said...

Laura is a winner. I lucked onto her a while back when she landed at my place.

Six said...

She JHust reminds me of another blogger I know and love Daphne ;)