If you want to debate step up and let us have it. If you want to rant or preach or lecture start your own site, send us a link and we'll ignore you there as well. We went down this whole 'slapping the troll' thing road a few times before. All it did was convince us that there's just no point to the exercise. None of you have the courage of your convictions or you wouldn't be filling our spam box with your screed and ignorance anonymously. Take a hint. We do not want you nor will we tolerate you here.
We are Six and the DO. We wield the mighty Ban Hammer Of Doom. You have been warned.
Now piss off.
Six, I am so disappointed. I have no trolls. Perhaps I am too generic? I will try to step it up!
I keep getting them on my political posts Kelly. Plus, I think you're a really nice guy. I, on the other hand, am apparently a card carrying A-hole supreme. But not to worry. If you hang around us long enough eventually one of the ignorant will ooze your way, leaving a glistening slime trail behind.
Damn. I never get trolls any more, at least none worthy of note. How come you get 'em? Must be a Giants fan thing.
Oh, Thanks Six. I have been called a "True Gentleman" or "Class Act" with Bloggers I have met. In those activities with those people that is true.
However there is this thing to ponder and this is why you must instruct new shooters. I never go political in class. Think about it. These people want to know for whatever reason how to select, purchase, and run a gun. I have just converted someone into a political activist without even saying a political word!
I am proud of the company I keep here Sir! I will hang around and let the slings and arrows fall where they may.
Oh, yes I am sweetness and light to everyone until I can no longer do so. Then? IT IS ON!
My best to you and DO!
That's a right spiffy hammer there. I trust you'll be putting it to good use. Take out the knees first. No advantage, just makes them cry more.
Yes, the hammers way cool. Where did you find it? I'm looking forward to a few squashings. Don't splash me though cuz I live pretty close, the fence should protect me. So go ahead a squash away.
You've gotten some doozies though ML. I remember the swing people. Wow.
Words of wisdom Kelly. And I have no doubt you can bring it when riled!
Remind me to always be nice to you Jennifer :)
I'll save you a few swings Sarge.
You just have to love a ban hammer that looks like that.
Capable of decimating Trolls iv vast numbers Admiral. Feel free to borrow it any time you are infested!
All I'm getting is the dick ads... sigh...
Hahahaha! Thanks for the laughs tonight!
Let'em have it Six!!!
I don't mind disagreement or questions, but when people come to be hateful or just stupid, that I mind...big time!
Totally with you Girl. I am just so sick and tired of the Trolls but the DO and I are determined not to feed them. A Hammer of Doom solves so many problems :)
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