'The true Soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because He loves what is behind him.' -G. K. Chesterton

29 September 2012

Sunday Kilping

 Another Sunday is upon us. Too many and all tool few left until the choice is upon us and our course laid bare. May your path lead to your hearts desire and our children's happiness. As for us, Lu and I will spend the day together, with a certain black dog along to keep us company and to remind us of what is important and what is not. I hope this day finds you all in good company.

And with that, an ode all those who love their machines.


The Inventor

R. W. Emerson
-- The Muse Among the Motors (1900-1930)
Time and Space decreed his lot,
  But little Man was quick to note:
When Time and Space said Man might not,
  Bravely he answered, "Nay! I mote."

I looked on old New England.
  Time and Space stood fast.
Men built altars to Distance
  At every mile they passed.

Yet sleek with oil, a Force was hid
Making mock of all they did,
Ready at the appointed hour
  To yield up to Prometheus
The secular and well-drilled Power
  The Gods secreted thus.

And over high Wantastiquet
  Emulous my lightnings ran,
Unregarded but afret,
   To fall in with my plan.

I beheld two ministries,
  One of air and one of earth --
At a thought I married these,
  And my New Age came to birth!

For rarely my purpose errs
  Though oft it seems to pause,
And rods and cylinders
  Obey my planets' laws.

Oil I drew from the well,
  And Franklin's spark from its blue;
Time and Distance fell,
  And Man went forth anew.

On the prairie and in the street
  So long as my chariots roll
I bind wings to Adam's feet,
  And, presently, to his soul!


JihadGene said...

Machines are a love-hate relationship. Convertibles don't get-it enough.There's just something really nice about being out on the motorcycle. Nice, LOOONG time!!!-Gene
PS I used Invisible Glass, thanks to you, and I love it! I have had to order some Speed Bead (via Amazon) as I can't find it in a store out here. Thank you!

Six said...

I have influence? Woo Hoo! Thanks Gene!