When last we left out brain damaged wanna be fabricator he was contemplating a bent axle and frame. Let's check in with him now as we bring you the next installment of
Insane Crazy Welder Boy
OK. First up, straightening the bent axle.
Next, rebuild the rear bearings. These are ball bearings. Not the nice ball bearings contained in a ball bearing race but loose so when you pull out the axle, say to straighten it for instance, they scatter in all directions in a shower of tiny, round, shiny expletives.
Now to tackle that frame. You remember that. It looks like this
See, the problem is I have, for some irrational reason, become unnaturally attached to the Schwinn and have decided I hate the new frame. Schwinn = Love. New frame = Hate. I don't know why. Did I mention I'm a crazy man?
The solution? Remember the big, I mean precision instrument, I used to straighten the axle? Yep. Judicious use got the frame more or less straight. The compressor and a wire wheel removed the paint. Whee! A quick trip to the local machine shop resulted in a nice piece of half inch i.d., eighth inch pipe (cost: Freebie. Woo Hoo!). The sawsall soon made short work of slicing that bad boy in 2 pieces and I'm ready for repair. It's simple, clamp it over the bad frame and weld it in place. Easy. Right? Right?
Liberal application of the air grinder and before you can say Xanax, it's a frame. Kinda. At least marginally straight and without those unsightly bite marks. I know it looks rough right now but I have it on good authority that the sanding and painting faeries have been seen in the neighborhood. So I'm assuming we're good there.
Next installment;
I think I see the tail of a Corvette in those pics.
No, I'm not jealous or anything... :)
I particularly like the welding set-up, ensconced between roughly $175,000 of various Detroit iron rigs. Scenario, ungloved, unsleeved, Tennie wearing Welder Boy drops or spatters slag on various body parts, screams uncontrollably, drops active torch next to work area where it ignites recently purchased premium Candy-Apple Glowworm Clearcoat lacquer in the one gallon economy size. GEICO, All-State, State Farm, USAA and Progressive all deny that their policies cover stupid welding accidents between parked vehicles costing more than $38.00 each.
That is my 1980 Corvette Inno, which is down waiting for a steering column replacement. It's a love/hate relationship. I love the car but hate working on it. If I ever meet the C3 engineers responsible for that thing I'm going to kick so much ass. I wonder if the Corvette Faeries are reading this? If so you guys are falling down on the job. Geez, let's get with the program please.
You should have seen the burns on my arms Ed. I'm one of those guys who's a little absent minded. When I start a project I tend to just run with it wearing whatever I happen to have on at the time. Drives Lu nuts. And don't forget that Corvette is fiberglass. Flammable fiberglass. I really need more adult supervision.
And did I mention I'm insane?
Holy Pitas, Sir. You do like to live dangerously...but, ah, is it fair to note Lu's a lucky lady?
You are far too kind Laura.
I'm young enough to still think I'm immortal and old enough to be heavily insured. It's a volatile mix.
Only thing missing here is that traditional wash pan filled about one quarter full of gasoline for washing various parts.
I really do Love this guy!!!!
(This is the typical conversation had while in the middle of many project du jour)
Me: "Hey, Dad, you're bleeding"
Dad: "I am? Where?"
Me: "There, and it's pretty bad, too."
Dad: "Huh, didn't notice."
Me: "Want me to at least stop the bleeding?"
Dad: "Nah, I'll be fine."
Hey, you know the old saying. No brain no pain!
Quite possibly the most badass repair I have ever seen. Nice, nice, nice. I love custom work.
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