'The true Soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because He loves what is behind him.' -G. K. Chesterton

13 April 2013


Why is that I can be rattling around the kitchen, opening cabinets and the refrigerator and generally banging around and Angus doesn't so much as open his eyes from his sleepy spot on the bed in our room. But the moment I try to sneak into the kitchen with the prior intent to grab a snack I turn around and see this

  "You weren't going to eat that all by yourself were you?"

That boy is psychic, I swear.



Rev. Paul said...

My daughters have cats, and those little sneaks can hear the plastic wrapper on the cheese from a floor away. They don't usually anticipate the trip, though, so your dog's a step ahead. :)

Monkeywrangler said...

Around here with 2 dogs now, we refer to it as the psychic doggy network...


Six said...

It must be in their DNA Rev. I swear they can read minds!

I love that Vic because you know it's the unvarnished truth!

Murphy's Law said...

They know. Don't know how, but they know.

RabidAlien said...

Dogs know. They ALWAYS know. What gets me is that one will be sitting in the living room, watching me do whatever, while the other is in another room. As soon as I start to reach for their dog bowls to get dinner started....before I even touch the things or open a cabinet or make any other identifying sounds, I'll hear the second beagle get up and start making her way in to the living room. She KNOWS I'm getting ready to feed them dinner. I swear the two communicate telepathically.

Six said...

It's an amazing thing ML. It's like a built in food alarm or something. Pavlov was a piker.

It's gotta be like ESP RabidAlien. One dog is an unexplainable mystery, two is an evil cabal bent on world domination :)

RabidAlien said...

@Six: I believe that of the cats. They are evil. The dogs are bent on domination of nothing more than the counter-top with two stale frenchfries on it.

Old NFO said...

LOL, ah yes I don't know if it's the hearing or the nose that 'alerts' them!

Monkeywrangler said...

NFO, I know it's not the ears--my old Charlie still knew, and he was pretty well deaf as a post by the end...