'The true Soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because He loves what is behind him.' -G. K. Chesterton

24 November 2011

Happy Thanksgiving To You

My daughter has been posting the 30 days of Thanksgiving all this month. I'll add my voice to hers. I am truly thankful for her and my beautiful grandchildren as well as a son-in-law who has treated them so well and givenb their care over to us so many times without complaint. I can't wait to see them in just a few hosrt hours. My heart sings with joy.

I am also thankful for each and every one of you out there who visit with us and leave us your precious thoughts and ideas. You have shown me so much kindness and support I cannot begin to show my respect and admiration for you.

Happy Thanksgiving my friends. May you celebrate this and many more with those you love.



Keads said...

Indeed Sir! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

Borepatch said...

Schopenhauer said that "every parting gives a foretaste of death, every reunion a hint of the resurrection." I hope that it's all you look forward to.

And I quite enjoy your daughter's posts, "30 Days of Thanks". It reminds me of when we lived overseas with small children, 15 years ago.

Happy Thanksgiving, Six.

Murphy's Law said...

Back at you fro Murphy and me.