'The true Soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because He loves what is behind him.' -G. K. Chesterton

11 September 2013


The war is not over. No, far from it.

We also remember those service men and women who have given so much that we may prevail over those who would see us servile or dead. Selfless service deserves selfless service.

And as always for Ken. May you soar with the eagles forever. We will always miss you.



OldAFSarge said...

Amen Six.

Rev. Paul said...


Monkeywrangler said...

I read this last night, but posting by phone is problematic. Six, I am sorry to learn of the loss of your friend Ken, those years ago. All I can say is I am doing my best to make sure MY kids grow up knowing all about the events of that day, 9/11/01, and about the hardships and sacrifices of all our military forces who stand in the breach for us. I pray that my kids too, will stand strong and confront Evil, should they ever be called upon to do so.

Brig said...

Never forget ever.

Six said...

Thanks Vic. Ken was Lu's beloved younger brother. We lost him near Mosul Iraq On Sept 19, 2005. Knowing that people like you remember and pass down your wisdom to your kids makes his sacrifice have meaning. Thank you.

Amen Brighid.