'The true Soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because He loves what is behind him.' -G. K. Chesterton

12 May 2010

Arizona, here we come!

Okay, not really, we will be in Hungary for at least 2 more years. That being said, however, I can't believe that I'm actually seeing the attempted end of white hating in Arizona of all states.

"State schools chief Tom Horne, who has pushed the bill for years, said he believes the Tucson school district's Mexican-American studies program teaches Latino students that they are oppressed by white people.

Public schools should not be encouraging students to resent a particular race, he said.

"It's just like the old South, and it's long past time that we prohibited it," Horne said"

Really, Arizona? Rock on! So bring on the Arizona Ice Teas!!


Daphne said...

Sorry Six, but I want to know how your boy is doing. I've become strangely invested in your wonderful old dog, and I'd like to know how y'all are faring.

Six said...

Thanks for keeping up with us Daphne. I've (finally) posted an update.