'The true Soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because He loves what is behind him.' -G. K. Chesterton

16 August 2009

New Link

Listen, I've said this before and I'll say it again. The Women Warriors are out there taking the fight to the enemy.

Between the Beautious Sarah SarahPAC - Sarah Palin's Official PAC, the Fabulous Michelle Michelle Malkin, The Lovely Anna Anna's Clue Tank, our own Gorgeous DO Life, The Universe, and Everything, or the Hot and Dangerous Gunslinger Gunslinger's Journal, we have the very best of libertarian conservatism delivering hammer blows to the enemy. The Weaker sex? I don't think so Skippy. These women are smart, fearless and totally merciless. It gives me a warm fuzzy feeling.

I'm adding a new Woman Warrior to our Honor Roll. Jenn Of The Jungle at The Political Jungle. Go read her and revel in the fact that so many of the death blows being struck by the right are coming from women like these.

The Afghani's said all that needs to be said centuries ago. Don't fall into the hands of the women.

If you're on the Right, be of good hope. They're on our side.

If you're on the left. Be afraid. Be very, very afraid.

The Six


Anna said...

Aw Six, you say the nicest of things. As to the Afghani women, yes they can be fierce when it comes to protecting their children from invaders, be they Soviets or the village down the valley. But they are still oppressed by centuries of culture and are used to it, that is a difficult task of more than a decade in length to perform - to unshackle the women of Afghanistan from fear.

Six said...

You are absolutely right Anna. Here's to the good fight to free those women to be all they can be. Let us never falter.