'The true Soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because He loves what is behind him.' -G. K. Chesterton

26 May 2011

Concrete's Coming Today

The Ready Mix guy is scheduled to be here at 3:00 with 5.75 yards. I wanted to do it later but that was the latest they'd deliver. It's hot and dry so we're going to have to work fast.

This is for my combo workshop/storage/garage. It doesn't look it but it's actually 14x31.

It's located on the side yard, between the house and the in law's driveway. A metal building is going on the slab. I'm going to order the building as soon as the concrete sets (and Lu gives me to go ahead).

The forms are done, the 6 mil plastic and metal mesh are down and I'm just puttering until the concrete is delivered. I'll have about $700.00 into the slab by the time I get done, not counting tools. Tools definitely go into the capital outlay column (which doesn't come out of my budget) because...well, they're tools!

More pics later. Oh, my aching back. Where is Big Dick when I need him?



innominatus said...

Tools should go in the "investment" column of the ledger.

Six said...

Now if only I could convince Lu of that Inno. I need tools!

LauraB said...

The gentlemen will be putting in something roughly twice that size eventually...I do not envy them the task. (I also said they ought to have done it in early winter to allow a nice, slow cure. A TX summer pour will be...less good-er. LOL But "I'm new.")

Good job!!!

Six said...

Thanks Laura. I really should have done this earlier in the year but we've had more rain than Lu and I can remember. You are absolutely right. The hotter it is the less time the concrete has to cure as designed. The pour will still be strong but it tends to be a little more brittle and prone to cracking. Tell 'em I said good luck and glad it's them and not me :)

Blue said...

I like tools!