'The true Soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because He loves what is behind him.' -G. K. Chesterton

20 September 2009

Home On The Range

How many ways can I say it? The women are steady kicking butt.

A new addition to my blog list. http://mausersandmuffins.blogspot.com/

Go there and read everything she has written or will ever write, especially "I Am A Shooter."

This woman is something special.

The Six


Ed Rasimus said...

Brigid is a woman of many talents and will amaze repeatedly whether it is writing, photography, guns, cooking, history or philosophy of life. She is my perfect example of a "Fighter Pilot" who never had the assignment.

Six said...

I'm looking forward to reading all her stuff Ed. By the way, I failed to give you the hat tip for leading me to her so here's a belated and abashed acknowledgement. Thanks for the link.