'The true Soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because He loves what is behind him.' -G. K. Chesterton

09 November 2011

30 Days of Thanks- D9

(Not my stack of books.  I got it off the interweb somewhere...  Er...  Don't remember where.)

I'm a major reader.  So is the Six, Lu, my husband, Sarge, MIL, and my husbands mother.  There is a lot of reading going on in my family!!  The Kindle has made my life easier by far, as now all my husbands never-to-be-read-again hardcover books aren't stacked everywhere in my house anymore!  My stacks are more contained.

I am incredibly thankful for my literacy.  I love reading.  I must read.  I read to research nutrition, homeschooling, history, and science, and I read for fun history, literature, and sci-fi.  Without reading I'm lost.  I wouldn't know how to research, I would get seriously bored, and I would be a lot dumber about a lot of things.  And as much as I love my Kindle (and I do.  I'll be carrying 500+ Kindle books with me on the plane in a few weeks) I still love books.  Real books, heavy books, musty books, yellowed books, honest books.  I like my research books hardcopy because there is a neural connection made for me between a passage read and the sensory input of the book it was in.  I'm very thankful for the options I have now a days.  I can order a book instantly online, straight to my Kindle to enjoy.  Or I can choose to wait, to buy a book and integrate its feel into my reading experience.

I am so thankful, as well, to those authors that put themselves out there to write.  Worlds brought to life, people made real, and stories enacted through pure imagination.  What an amazing medium, writing.

So now I'm off to read to my kids, to pass literacy and love of books on.

~The DO

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